Date: 10th Sep, 2016
Cleaning and Recycling of Residual Mixed Plastic Film
Large quantities of plastics film are still going to landfill which is a waste of resource. This PP film recycling line was set to determine if this film could be economically washed and recycled back in to useful products.
In most recovery operations, multi polymer stream films are discarded as they have low value, or treated as a contaminant (for example where paper is the main product being recycled). This situation is even more common where the films are heavily contaminated, as in residues produced from municipal solid waste .
The plastic film recycling therefore looked at film residue material procured from 3 different sources:
- Residual films from the Commercial & Industrial stream collected via waste transfer station;
- Residual post consumer films from a Materials Recycling Facility processing dry recyclables;
- Residual post consumer films from a MRF handling black bag waste.